Do you know about SENMON GAKKO in Osaka, ranked fourth among most livable cities globally?
Osaka was ranked fourth among the most livable cities in the world in 2019. About 10% of all non-Japanese people who live in Japan live in Osaka, and every year, more than 10 million overseas tourists visit from around the world. Despite being a leading global city, room and board is relatively cheap and it is a very livable city, which is why many non-Japanese exchange students study at SENMON GAKKO here to learn special skills.
SENMON GAKKO are Japanese institutions of higher education, and they are divided into eight fields corresponding to society’s needs. Diverse and practice education is carried out here, and human resources that can flourish as immediate assets appear in great numbers after graduation. Many schools have classes with designated teachers, supporting studying, living, finding employment, and other aspects of student life for exchange students. An environment where students can safely study has been prepared for non-Japanese exchange students.
Ratio of exchange students at SENMON GAKKO in Osaka Prefecture in 2019*
One in ten students at SENMON GAKKO are exchange students
Exchange students: 8,742 / Japanese students: 60,150
From Osaka Prefecture’s statistical data from 2019 school statistics in Osaka (Basic Research on Schools)
* Including technical SENMON GAKKO and preparatory education curriculum
Trends in job placement rate among new graduates (Total employed graduates/total number of graduates)
SENMON GAKKO are good for employment.
When comparing the job placement rate between SENMON GAKKO and universities, we know that SENMON GAKKO have a consistently higher rate.
ABOUT USAbout Daisenkaku, an Exchange Student Support Site
Daisenkaku is an organization founded by and made up of SENMON GAKKO and other schools licensed by Osaka Prefecture. On the Daisenkaku exchange student support site, you can find the SENMON GAKKO MOVIE, which is a collection of movies aiming to support studies in Japan for non-Japanese exchange students, the Graduates' Voice section with interviews from non-Japanese exchange students who have graduated SENMON GAKKO, content that summarizes notes about work visas, and more.
ACCEPTED SCHOOLAbout the List of Accepting Schools
With the list of schools accepting exchange students, we introduce SENMON GAKKO in Osaka that actively accept non-Japanese exchange students. You can easily search for schools you are interested in by field or by keyword. In addition to information on the nationality of current exchange students, job placement rates, tuition, and more for each school, we also linked this with the SENMON GAKKO MOVIE and graduate interviews, so you can check the information you want to know all at once.